Your entries and exits in your own template

If you're trading with your own indicators or templates, you want to journal like a boss. Problem solved! We'll take trade screenshots directly from your own trading terminal.

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You will be set up in less than 5 minutes.

Integrates with

All assets supported

Forex Stocks Indices Crypto
Commodities Futures Metals
& others!

Connects with any broker including

Trade Images

Trade images magically captured for each trade

Chart images captured easily for every trade. Your trading journal becomes a living record of your trades. See the chart image with every trade so you know exactly where and why you took the trade.

Create your free account

Multi Sync

Sync multiple images all at once

Select as many trades as you want and hit the "Load Images" button. We'll sync them in one batch.

Since MetaTrader limitations don't allow taking screenshots while actively using the terminal, it's an incredibly convenient feature. Your trading will never be disturbed - sync only when ready.

Create your free account

Start Journaling Your Trades

See exactly where, when, and why you traded. All your trades and chart images magically synced to your trading journal.

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Disclaimer: The information on this site is just a very basic understanding of price action Forex trading and is for entertainment value only. How I trade is very different to what you may read here. The information on this site is not a recommendation to trade Forex as I do not know your level of trading experience or your financial situation. I am not a financial advisor, and I am not qualified to give financial advice. Trading Forex profitably is a skill that cannot be learned from reading the posts on this site, and I cannot be held responsible for any trades that you may take as a result of the information on this site. So if you are trading, you are trading at your own risk, so please trade responsibly, and do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. For help and advice please contact me, or for more information about what I do check out my Forex Trading Course.