Private Account Management Service

Jun 18, 2024

There are millions of ways to trade the forex market, but only one of them is correct. Because the market moves only one direction, in only one way, every more has only one start and only one finish.

Perhaps you've tried to find the correct trading method on your own and you didn't succeed. Or maybe you don't have time nor passion for it. In that case you can entrust your account management to me.

I am offering you professional exposure to the market with a low risk strategy designed for long term growth. Historical return is 50-100% per year, but it is not a forecast for the future.

Your account management will be carried out by a professional trader who was directly trained and mentored by one of the world's best, legendary traders who has 30 years of trading experience.

Minimum investment amount is 50 000 EUR, performance fee is 50%. 

If interested, you may contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone +370 630 90709.

Thank you for visiting my website and have a wonderful day! 

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Disclaimer: The information on this site is just a very basic understanding of price action Forex trading and is for entertainment value only. How I trade is very different to what you may read here. The information on this site is not a recommendation to trade Forex as I do not know your level of trading experience or your financial situation. I am not a financial advisor, and I am not qualified to give financial advice. Trading Forex profitably is a skill that cannot be learned from reading the posts on this site, and I cannot be held responsible for any trades that you may take as a result of the information on this site. So if you are trading, you are trading at your own risk, so please trade responsibly, and do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. For help and advice please contact me, or for more information about what I do check out my Forex Trading Course.